Kamis, 27 Mei 2010


this blogs decreases my boringness, so am now bored and ready to mingle,

i dont know what do i want to talk about in this post.

but, first i am very happy that LEE! won American Idol, i already knew it but its still a very good news to hear! Congratulations, Lee DeWayze!

second, im very madly and deeply in love with cornerstone! hahah its weird but its true, arctic's humbug i think its a very great album and it also have a very great tunes in it!

third, i wish i wish i wish FIT sooner please please please, yes i want to move and i want it so bad! the faster the better, please please FIT! wish me luck.

okay so i know this post equals random-ness. which, i know that right now i should end this *!$&%@ post, so AU REVOIR!

Minggu, 04 April 2010

marchin on


it's been great this several months, especially April! how i love my birthday, how i love the fact that i'm 16 now, how i love hows life been treating me, how i love everything.
i'm trying to be more mature, trying to be more realistic, trying to be more honest, and on top of all that, i'm trying to be me.
i have this very great mood and spirit after my 16th birthday, now i know what i want to achieve, now i know my priority, now i know what should i do, now i know what should i know long time ago.
and because i'm older now, am starting to know how should i start my life and doing the right things, oh how i love,


Senin, 29 Maret 2010

new entry

must open must read,

"The Runaway Kids"

"Suncreano Kingdom"
a story that must be told

gathering what you've lost

even word can't describe how i felt while and after watching Kings of Convenience live on stage! im very grateful and didnt regret it a bit!
and now i dont know what i should tell you from last night experience but one thing i know, it was beyond spectacular.

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

old magic tricks

it's 23:04 pm in here and i'm so tired and sleepy

but there's one problem,
i can't sleep!

so i have the idea to post something, because i've posted many shts recently. but i'm loving my life for sure right now, tomorrow is KINGS OF CONVENIENCE which is totally awesome awesome its like a gold in the air of summer damn im so so ...

and i'm loving it too because of i want to achieve many things this couples of months, and for the progress i already done it like half way, my dream ---- with taziamaharans! which is uber cool or beyond cool?? and my dream to move to a city that i've been dreaming of to live with my friends and it will soon come true:D

uuh okay now im tired so i will leave this post hanging , cia%$

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

wild young hearts

this months had been good so far, and with many good news in the line i can't wait for this days to come which was,

which i already wrote at the last post. and even i can't describe it in words

oh god thank you so much for making them go to Indonesia and for Soundshine event's Gatecrasher, it couldn't be more better!

still with the question mark , if its true it would be uuuh so awe-some!!

i think i can't watch it because maybe its for 18++ too bad, but if it isnt for 18++ i'll watch it with for sure

want it so bad but its too far its in Bandung, which is far for me, but if my mom let me i will!

AND MANY MORE TOO COME COULDNT WAIT, i know Indonesia will held great events like this and more to come!

breathing to the beat.

i'm so tired this past several days,

because of first COBRAS COBRAS COBRAS! which was really good and awesome and i wouldnt regret it, ever! gabe alex ryland nate vicky and the awesome-est merch guy, CANDY! especially when gabe sang this "Party queens if you wanna be seen , take a shit where you sleep, and smile real wide for the pa pa pa pa paparazzi pa pa pa pa paparazzi everywhere" when ryland "shake" his butt, when candy took his shirt off!!

and second it's because many things that i wouldnt write it in here, and surely i can't wait for KINGS OF CONVENIENCE!! ooh god Erlend Øye dan Eirik Glambek Bøe !!

ooh god how i love this holidays for sure.

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

your ass is still fat, it's gonna stay like that.

it's like a miracle,

i've never posted anything since like 4 months or 3 months or 2? i dont even knew,
mood swing, and so now my mood to blog posting had changed, and i would like to post again for now:x

am so bored having nothing to do, but i am super excited for TOMORROW!
it's cobra starship's day, even i can't describe it in words how maybe "Super-cala-fragalistic-expialidosious" *norak

okay then i'm off brothers, talk to you all later in my next posts*like i will post something, but sure i will , ciao$,.

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010


Chicago's Lollapalooza

Big Day Out

i know soon Indonesia will held festivals like this! SOON!~

Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

open up!

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

bonne année

happy new year 2010 guys!
it happened so fast and like now im already in second term at school enjoying every minute of it and without no doubt im liking it! since theres so much fun going on with my friends and alot of people making my life more amazing everyday!

my new year resolution? simple its become a better and greater person!
thats it! and what's yours ?