Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008


This is the second post of the day haha , im very bored you know and im sick ..... and tired of waiting sick of this f*ing apartment love me or leave me or rip me apart loh kok jadi lirik? (fyi its the academy is... black mamba lyrics) huahuaua iya jadi im sick because im very tired because this busy week , yesterday i went home from school i play until maghrib like i laugh all the time with the greatest peeps evah haha and i have a math&fisika course at pondok indah with sheila tasya and grandis , than i go to mcd all the time , but yall know what im lovin every minute of it so gpp deh but im very sick , that i cannot go to citos to finish mading with kelompok 3 bind ! my team mading's theme is : nationalism , its hard right ? and we named it WONDER (Wall of Nationalism Idea & Information) cool kan haha , tadinya tasya wanted to go to my house that is not far from her house Diamond Residences (the real smart home) HUAUAHAUA but she cannot come because her dad doesnt allowed her , and she is sick too , so ya im bt you know tas ? hahhaha im at my 'peach-y' bedroom with my cousin, Ammar , And my brother , Dimitri. You know ammar cannot speak bahasa but he's javanese little weird but its cool . I cannot wait any longer for The Used and Panic! at The Disco hahaha its just like so cool and amazing .My 'Tangerang' Friend (BSD Pamulang and Bintaro) dan from the other side like pejaten something2 pada ke bintaro to like kumpul bersama di nasi uduk apa tuh tenda apa tadi katanya idk deh itu seru ya lu semua hahha , im jealous ga sih sebenrnya biasa aja . sumpah i know this post is so not important but ya ya gitu so gitu hmmm . Windows Live Messenger lagi ngehang jadi bikin bt , pingin video call with tasya nich uhuhuhuuhuu , hmm so so ya gitu gue bosen banget loh sumpah parahnya tuh parah parah parah , hoaaaam :0

2 komentar:

Pemimpi Absurd mengatakan...

eh your 'tangerang' friends abis makan di tenda sembilan jenguk gue loooch abis itu hihihi rame deh asik sampe diusir satpam awkawkakwa

danicaevani mengatakan...

gue ga iri mith ga iri huahuahauhua